A few months back, we were happy to be among the first to feature the dopp kits that our friends at Hudson Sutler brought to market. Well, apparently they’ve been quite the hit because the lineup recently doubled in size. The latest additions to the collection are dubbed Key West and Tahoe.
There are a few things out there that we think everyone out there should own., and on that list is a great pair of duck boots. Ours definitely see the most work this time of year, so for Bowtie Friday this week we’re revisiting a bow that pays homage, the Duck Boot Beau by Southern Proper. The post below originally ran on December 29, 2010.
Not long ago, we got a surprise package from our friends at Salmon Cove. They’ve always been great to us, and it’s always a pleasure to see some of their latest wares arrive on our doorstep. This time, they were kind enough to send over one of their recently released Striped Polos.
A couple of weeks back we got an email from Brooks Brothers introducing their Signature Tartan print, we were impressed. Officially registered with the Scottish Tartans Authority, this isn’t just another plaid, it’s the real deal and will be around for years to come. Of course, the revelation of the print was accompanied by an entire collection. Our favorite item? The Madison Fit Signature Tartan Dress Trousers.
Over the last couple of years, we’ve really been working to update our Fair Isle sweater collection. A nice departure from our standard cable knits and Shaggy Dogs, we’re always up to add a pattern to a look. This year, we’re going with something a bit more modern, the Shetlander from Bonobos.
Though we’re still a few years away from being able to justify a Rolex (or similar), that doesn’t mean our search for a great looking timepiece has been called off. In fact, it’s just the opposite lately. We have been on the hunt for something new that won’t take too much from the growing Rolex fund yet will have a timeless appeal. The Classic St Andrews watch from Daniel Wellington fits that description perfectly.
We’re pretty big technology junkies here at Bowties & Boatshoes. From phones, to tablets, to computers, Apple products tend to dominate our selections, and the amount of white cords littering our workspace is a bit ridiculous. In an effort to clean things up, and add some life to the office, we’re placing an order for some Collective Cables from Eastern Collective.
In our opinion, one of the best bowties in the Brooks Brothers by Social Primer collection was the camouflage and repp stripe option. It seems that we weren’t the only ones to feel this way as the bow seemed to sell out in no time flat each time a new shipment hit stores. If you liked the camo option as much as we did, we think you’ll love the latest Social Primer by K. Cooper Ray collection; Prep Neck. Today, we’re happy to announce that someone is going to win their choice of bow from the lineup.
Until now, other than one black pair that saw a grand total of one wear, the only color to grace our denim rotation has been blue. With so much color in our closet, it was only a matter of time until we added some variety to our jeans, and it looks like the time is now. Our pick to break the ice is a pair of 628 5-Pocket Colored Denim Jeans from Canvas Lands’ End.
This month, our friends at Ledbury are doing a little something different with their short run. Instead of the monthly drop, they are releasing one new limited item every day. We’re not even a third of the way through the month, and there are already a handful of shirts we’d love to have in our collection. Yesterday’s release, the Graham Flannel Plaid, is at the top of the list.