At Bows & Boats, we love to see young companies delivering new products that fit in seamlessly with our favorite classics. One such company, who has seen huge success in this department, is Smathers & Branson. While we love their flasks and key fobs, our favorite piece of the collection is definitely their flagship offering, the Traditional Needlepoint Belt ($165).
Founded in 2004 by two gentlemen who were lucky enough to received handmade needlepoint belts from their girlfriends, Smathers & Branson was created after the founders realized that there was no good source to bring these belts to the masses. Of course, needlepoint belts have been around for years, but you would be hard pressed to find with the quality of an S&B product. For those of us who like to add a little hit of color to an understated ensemble, the team has given us a never ending list of choices. With styles ranging from college logos, to nautical flags, to flying pigs (yes, really, flying pigs) you can surely find a belt that suits your taste. If not, have no fear, Smathers and & Branson offers custom options as well.