On the East Coast, the shift to autumn is great for many reasons. It brings football, hunting, and oysters, just to name a few. But for the crew here at Bows & Boats, the onset of Fall also means its time to break out some of our favorite fall classics. One of the first things to make an appearance every year is the Cotton Crewneck Sweater ($85.00) from Polo Ralph Lauren.
Polo’s Cotton Crewneck Sweater is to Fall what their Classic Polo is to Spring and Summer, a necessity. Much like the Classic Polo, the Cotton Crewneck Sweater comes in a variety of colors, which provides you with the right sweater for nearly every outfit in your wardrobe. Whether you’re going out to a bar in the city or a country vineyard for a wine festival, this sweater will fit the bill. Thanks to Chris M. for the suggestion.