This time of year, it seems that just about everyone is working in as much plaid as absolutely possible into their look. We’re still not too big on mixing and matching plaids with one another, but if you are confident enough to do it, more power to you. Today, we’re keeping the plaid around our necks courtesy of some great new additions to the Southern Proper line; they’re called the Quintessential Plaids.
It’s been pretty cool to see Southern Proper expanding their line over the past few years. We’ll always have a soft spot for the casual bows that SP is known for, but the addition of stripes, and now plaids, to their collection has absolutely been a welcomed sight. Available in red, navy, blue, green, and chocolate, the Quintessential Beaus are made from 100% silk and a fantastic addition to any bowtie collection. Truth be told, we’re fans of all of the Quintessential Beaus, but if we had to pick favorites we’d probably go green and red. What say you?