Regardless of what the calendar says, summer starts this weekend for us. Why? Because when we were little, this is the weekend that the pool opened, and, if we were lucky, school ended. With nothing but time, those summer days were always spent in the water,and the nights were always a source of adventure. One “adventure” that still makes us smile when we think back on it was the hunt for lightning bugs. Needless to say, when our friends over at Old Try released their Summer prints ($40 each), we knew we had to have them.
There are two Summer prints currently available from Old Try; “Summer, in words” and “Summer, in picture.” The prints compliment each other perfectly, but can easily stand tall on their own. If we were forced to pick one, we’d probably lean towards “Summer, in picture” simply based on how great the mason jar print turned out. Like the rest of the Old Try prints, the Summer series is hand pressed on an old school letter press and limited to a run of 100. Well, 101 in the case of “Summer, in picture” Somehow a rogue print managed to find it’s way off of the presses after #100 was run, and our buddy Micah (he runs Old Try) thought it’s be a good idea to give it away to one of our readers. So, if you want to hang a little piece of your summer adventures on the wall, follow the steps below (or order one, trust us, you won’t be disappointed).
You’ll get one entry for each of the following:
1. Leave a comment here with your name and email address (if you don’t want to publicize your email address, just drop a note to
2. Follow @TheOldTry and @BowsandBoats on Twitter and Tweet something at us that has to do with summer.
3. “Like” Old Try on Facebook and leave a comment on their wall that mentions Bows & Boats.
*We’ll be taking entries until 11:59PM on Monday, May 28