Crabs are a big deal here in Annapolis. A few times a Summer, more if we’re lucky, we find ourselves elbow deep in a mix of Old Bay, fresh corn, and, of course, steamed crabs. We sit for hours talking with friends, sharing a few drinks, and venting about how much work goes in to picking a crab. Truth be told, we love every minute of it. In honor of one of our favorite summer traditions, our Bowtie Friday pick is the Four-Panel Crab Bow from Vineyard Vines.
When we launched Bowties & Boatshoes, we really had no idea where it would lead us. Honestly, we figured a few old friends would follow along as we tried to spread the word about the things we loved, and maybe we’d make a few new ones along the way. Well, we’ve made far more friends via this website than we could have ever imagined, and we’ve also gained a following that is beyond our wildest expectations. Today we’re celebrating a milestone we reached a few days ago, 10,000 Twitter followers. In honor of 10K we’re giving away 10,000 pennies in the form of a $100 gift card from our friends at Country Club Prep.
With temperatures well into the 90’s, we’ve been working seersucker into our wardrobe as much as possible this week. Of course, when it comes to seersucker, you can’t go with the blue and white stripes day in and day out. In fact, we’ve enjoyed seeking out options that are anything but blue and white over the past couple of years. This Summer, one of our favorite “non-traditional” options comes from Jack Donnelly. Their Red Seersucker Shorts are a must-have.
Time and time again we have stressed the importance of a quality dopp kit. Whether you travel frequently, or only once or twice a year, a great dopp should be along for the ride for your trips near and far. Today, our friends at Hudson Sutler are dipping their toes into the dopp pool with two great looking bags based on their Yorktown and Hatteras duffels.
We talk a lot about watching brands grow here at Bowties & Boatshoes, and one that has really impressed us over the last couple of years is Kiel James Patrick. When we were first introduced to the brand, they were turning out bracelets, belts, and headbands as fast as they could to keep up with demand. With a Brooks Brothers partnership, an ever expanding product line, and a group of loyal fans that is growing every day, we have a feeling things are moving even faster for the gang up in Rhode Island these days. Our favorite new addition to their ever growing empire is the Yawgoog Point Indian Madras Shirt.
A couple of months back we admitted that we’ve become strangely interested in polka dots. We are still keeping things pretty low key and avoiding huge spots for now, but pin dots and the like are definitely still lighting up our radar. Apparently someone over at Maide is digging the dot look as well. Their Navy Dot Barton shorts are right up our alley.
Without question, the best part of Summer when we were kids was spending a week at the beach. Who are we kidding, spending a week at the beach is still the best part of Summer. Even though our annual pilgrimage is still a couple of weeks away, we’re getting into beach mode this Bowtie Friday with the Beach Signs Bow from Southern Proper.
We’ve been pretty open about our love of gingham shirts over the years, but we knew we officially had a problem when the local dry cleaner pointed out the extent of our collection. Well, it’s about to grow again thanks to our friends at Read Wall. Part of their Summer series, the Washington shirt is absolutely going to find a home in our closets. It’s also going to find a home in one of your closets too. Keep reading to find out how.
As much as we would like to claim that boatshoes are the epitome of the All-American shoe, we know full well that a classic penny loafer holds that crown. We are firm believers that a classic pair of loafers will never be out of style, and that every man should have at least one pair ready to go at all times. Our go to loafers are starting to look a bit worn these days, and we will soon be upgrading to a pair of Pierson loafers from Martin Dingman.
After more than a decade of losing, it’s a pretty good time to be an Orioles fan here in Annapolis. Things were pretty rough for the last 14 years or so, but with a playoff run last year, and four all-stars this year, we’re enjoying every minute of our favorite team’s good fortune as of late. Thanks to our friends at Smathers & Branson, one lucky Bowties & Boatshoes reader is also about to enjoy some good fortune. Today we’re happy to announce that we are giving away one of their new MLB needlepoint belts!*