It’s 2011 and that likely means that you’re realizing just how much weight you piled on after your New Years debauchery. Nike has partnered with Tom Tom to bring the world a new way to track your milage. Although the Nike+ Sportwatch GPS ($TBA) isn’t exclusively a “Prep” item, it will help you get back in prime shape for bathing suit season.
Nike has taken their already popular Nike+ shoe-based sensor and paired it with TomTom GPS technology in order to create the ultimate personal trainer. The Sportwatch tracks the accuracy of your trip, while the Nike+ sensor tracks your time, pace, distance, calories burned, and heart rate. You then have the option to post them to so you can view your runs and even set new goals for yourself, which your watch will then enforce.
On top of all of the functions the Sportwatch delivers while you’re actively using the watch, if you need a little motivation to keep yourself going, the watch will send you on-screen reminders and give you a thumbs up for new personal bests. If you don’t already have the Nike+ set up that works with an iPod, we’d definitely recommend checking this out to get back in shape.