A few weeks back we got a surprise in the mail from our friends down at Island Company. Though we were staring out the window at cold drab skies when the box arrived, it gave us hope that warmer days were coming. Now, with Easter and a number of steeplechases only days or weeks away, we figured it was finally time to share what they sent, the Governor Linen Tie.
Though many seem to think Memorial Day is opening day for seersucker and linen, we tend to use Easter Sunday as the mark (pending weather of course). For the rare occasions that we opt for something other than a bowtie, the Governor looks like it may just become our go to this Spring and Summer. Made from 100% linen with a cotton lining for some added weight, this tie will go great with more low key looks, and also be the perfect compliment for days when we are breaking out some serious color. Regardless, assuming the weather cooperates, this tie is officially going into the rotation Monday Morning.