The calendar says Spring started on Wednesday and we declared boatshoe season had arrived a couple of weeks ago, but things aren’t official here in Annapolis until the socks burn. Yes, you read that right. Ever since the mid 70’s (the exact year remains a bit fuzzy in Annapolis lore) Annapolitans have been burning their socks to welcome warm weather back to our great town. To celebrate the occasion, we’re breaking in a new pair of canvas A/O’s from Sperry Top-Sider.
Though there are a variety of options when it comes to the canvas A/O’s, we’re keeping things relatively low key and going with the navy version to kick off the season. A nice change of pace from more traditional leather boatshoes, the canvas A/O’s are definitely a great casual option for Spring and Summer alike. Of course, these shoes not only look good, they’re made to work. With siped soles to keep you planted on a wet deck, rawhide laces that will take whatever you can throw at them, and an EVA heel cup for added comfort, you could wear these shoes all summer long without a second thought.