If you follow us on Twitter, you know that we’re winding down 2012 in the mountains of NC. As much as we love being on the water, we sure could get used waking up overlooking the hills and river every morning. That being said, it’s pretty darn cold up here and we weren’t quite as prepared as we should have been. Why classic Woolrich Original Buffalo Check Wool Shirt wasn’t on our packing list we’ll never know.
Woolrich has been making classic outdoor gear for as long as anyone out there. Their wares are built to last and serve a specific purpose, luckily for us they look great too. Available in a variety of colors, the Original Buffalo Check Wool Shirt has been in the Woolrich lineup for over a century, and will put even your heaviest flannel shirt to shame. Don’t let the somewhat boxy fit be a deterrent, that’s what these shirts are supposed to look like, but, if you absolutely have to have a slimmer fit, a quick trip to the tailor will have this shirt perfected in no time flat. For the coldest of days, you won’t find a better option out there.