Embossed Anchor Bill Holder by Jack Spade

On September 20, 2012, in Accessories, by Ryan & Ben

Image: Jack Spade

Just like our clothing choices rotate throughout the year, our accessories seem to as well.  For the summer months, we tend to use a credit card holder as opposed to a  wallet, but each Fall we find ourselves shifting back to a traditional billfold.  This year has been no different, and it seems that a transition is imminent.  Though we tend to like more basic wallets, we might veer from previous tendencies a bit this time around and break out an Embossed Anchor Bill Holder by Jack Spade.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, we are absolute suckers for an anchor motif, so it should come as absolutely no surprise that we are enamored with the embossed burnished anchors that adorn this wallet. Truth be told, we’ve had our eye on this one for quite some time, and now the only thing holding us back from picking one up is deciding which color to go with.  Available in a more traditional Chocolate, or a great looking Navy, we really can’t go wrong with either option.  Featuring six credit card slots and two pocket sleeves, the Embossed Anchor Bill Holder has plenty of space for all the things we need in our wallet, and probably a few things we don’t.


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