Guys, it’s not too late to make today the most memorable Valentine’s day your girl has ever had, but before you do anything else, make sure to call your mom and wish her a Happy Valentine’s Day. She may not be your sweetheart now, but back when you were ten she was the only lady in your life, and she’ll definitely appreciate the call. Now that you have made one day, making another is a cake walk. Whatever you do, do not tell your significant other that you are up for “whatever she wants to do”. Plan something, it doesn’t have to be huge, just something you think she will like.
If you are on a tight budget, plan a dinner in. Pasta is cheap, so are candles and a few simple sides. Just make sure your place is clean, pick up some flowers, and get in the kitchen. If you really want to go all out, hit the local Red Box for the movie she has been dropping hints about for the last couple of months.
If you have a couple of extra bucks floating around, plan a night on the town. While your first inclination may be to go to the fancy hot spot with the ridiculously overpriced prix fixe menu, go somewhere that has some meaning to you. Maybe the place you met, or the place you went on your first “official” date. From there, head out for a couple of drinks and see where the night takes you. We shouldn’t have to tell you this, but make sure to have flowers when you pick her up, and she better not have to open a door all night (or ever for that matter).
If you’re the lucky guy who won Powerball last weekend, what are you doing coming to us for advice? Fuel up the private jet and show her the world!