Bleacher Plaid Campus Messenger by Jack Spade

On November 22, 2010, in Accessories, by Ryan & Ben

With Holiday Season about to be in full swing, many of us will soon be hitting the airport and heading home to see family and friends for a few days.  While it is extremely convenient to just throw your laptop and a book or magazine in the book bag you used (or still use) on campus, it doesn’t do you any favors when you are trying to get through the airport.  As unfortunate as it is, the “kid” with the backpack isn’t going to get the same kind of respect as the “young professional” with the stylish messenger bag.  When it comes to bags, Jack Spade is never a bad choice, and for the perfect carry on, we recommend the Bleacher Plaid Campus Messenger ($262.50).

With a traditional plaid inspired by vintage stadium blankets, and black leather reinforced corners, this messenger is far different than your run-of-the-mill bag, while still maintaining a classic look.  There is plenty of room for a laptop, ipod, book, and whatever else you will need to keep yourself entertained on the flight.  If you are a really light traveler, this bag would be a great choice for a quick weekend trip as well.


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