Weejuns by G.H. Bass & Co.

On October 25, 2011, in Mens, Shoes, Womens, by Ryan & Ben

If you have ever looked a pictures taken on a college campus in the mid-60’s you will see that not much has changed in the world of prep fashion in the past half century.  Sure, there have been a number of variations of what is considered “preppy” over the years, but the staples will always persevere.  One staple that saw its popularity skyrocket back in the 60’s, and continues to see continued success to this day, comes from the team at G.H. Bass & Co.  Their Weejuns (prices vary) are an essential piece to every wardrobe.

Inspired by the casual shoes worn by Norwegians in the thirties, Bass has turned Weejuns into an all encompassing line of loafers that should absolutely have a spot in your rotation.  With countless options available, and more hitting the market all the time (collaborations with famous designers, etc.), it is nearly impossible not to find a pair that fit your look.  With price points that are well within the budget of even the most strapped college student, and style that compliments any collection, Weejuns are a great pick whether you spend your days in the classroom or the boardroom.


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