Many times, you can tell a lot about someone by simply studying how they sign their name. On the surface a signature may not seem like much, but upon further review you can tell if they were rushed or took their time, if they are meticulous or a bit more free flowing, or even what hand they wrote it with. In our opinion, some of the coolest signatures in history are those that belong to our founding fathers. Thanks to our friends at Buffalo and Company, and their Signature Bowties ($39.50 – $59.95), we can celebrate these fine pieces of penmanship via one of our favorite mediums.
The Buffalo and Company Signature Bowtie series is comprised not only of the autographs of some of our founding fathers, but many great men in history. Currently, bows are available bearing the autographs of George Washington (shown), George W. Bush, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, and C.S. Lewis. Each tie is made out of 100% woven silk, and is adjustable from 13-20″. All of these men have left their mark on history in one way or another, and we are happy to show our appreciation with these fantastic ties.