There are a handful of companies that can claim that they have been making quality products for over a century. It doesn’t matter if it is clothing company, a bag maker, a cobbler, or anyone else, if you are still in the same business you were in before Model T’s started rolling off the line, you must be doing something right. One such brand is Filson, and their high quality outdoor gear has been a staple of many outdoorsmen’s wardrobes since the 1800’s. The best thing about companies like Filson is that their everyday wear is normally made of the exact same high quality materials that are used to make more specialized items. One such item in the Filson collection that proves this point is their 1 1/4″ Leather Belt ($49.50).
Made of 100% bridle leather, the same kind that is used to make saddles, the 1 1/4″ Leather belt is sure to last a lifetime. Honestly, if cared for properly this could be the last basic brown belt that you will ever need to buy for casual wear. Available in black or brown and featuring a solid brass roller buckle, the patina that this belt is sure to develop over the years is something that companies who make “vintage inspired” goods will drool over. Though most companies suggest ordering a size up when it comes to belts, Filson recommends ordering your belt in the same size as you traditionally order your pants. That size is the one that will be the middle hole (there are seven) on the belt, so if you lose or gain a few pounds over the years the belt will still fit nicely.