Tasty Peeps Bow by Bird Dog Bay

On March 27, 2015, in Bowties, by Ryan & Ben

Images: Bird Dog Bay

Since October of 2010, when we started Bowties & Boatshoes, we’ve done our best to keep content constantly flowing.  Hopefully you’ve enjoyed reading as much as we’ve enjoyed writing.  After today, we’re going to take a brief hiatus to recharge the batteries, so when you don’t see new posts next week, don’t freak out, we’ll be back soon.  Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk bowties.  Since we won’t be making a Bowtie Friday post next week, we’re using this week to showcase what might be the most fun Easter bow we’ve ever laid eyes on.  It’s called Tasty Peeps and it comes from our friends at Bird Dog Bay.

The best part about Bird Dog Bay is that the seem to really have fun when they are designing their ties.  Tasty Peeps is no exception.  Adorned with Easter bunnies and everyone’s favorite sugar coated marshmallow rabbits, this is a tie we’d love to see in our Easter baskets this year.  Made from hand printed 100% silk, this bow may only see the light a day once or twice a year, but, in our opinion, it’s one that absolutely needs to be in the collection.


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