Everyone has a few places that they visit on the web from time to time when they need a laugh, or to just kill some time. One of those places for us is theCHIVE, sure it may not be completely work safe, but it’s definitely a great place to kill a few minutes. More importantly, it’s also a website that is truly making a difference in people’s lives. See, from theCHIVE spawned Chive Charities, and one of their recent campaigns hit close to home, literally. Through the generosity of the Chive community, nearly half a million dollars was raised for Melissa Smith, an Annapolitan who is now paying it forward to another local resident in need. In honor of the good they’ve done in our community, we thought it was only fitting to make theCHIVE’s ostrich bowtie our Bowtie Friday pick this week.
For those days when you need something a little more polished than a KCCO shirt, but still want to show your appreciation for theCHIVE, these bowties are the way to go. Made of 100% silk, theCHIVE bow is available in three color combinations; Green/Black, Black/Green, and Black/White. Each bow features the Chive ostrich logo and while we’re sure there’s probably a hilarious story about why they use an ostrich, we just don’t know what it is. Regardless, we’ve been so impressed with what theCHIVE has done via their charitable endeavors that we’re proud to rock their logo whatever the story behind it may be.