Buying your first suit as a “grown up” can be intimidating, especially if you are on a budget. Yes, you can go into just about clothing store out there and find countless options, but finding a suit that fits well, looks great, and is nice enough to stay in rotation for years, isn’t nearly as easy as one might think. Luckily, if you are on the market for your first suit, or just another solid “go to” option for the rotation, Bonobos has just released their Foundation Suit ($590).
Though we are sure the stress level during the Super Bowl was a bit higher for those of you who are Giants or Patriots fans, we had one heck of a good time watching the game last night. To commemorate the Giants win, we thought it was only right to profile something from one of our favorite brands with New York roots, Brooks Brothers. Their recently released Cricket Cable Cardigan ($148) has certainly caught our attention.
In our opinion, other than good company, the key ingredient for any successful Super Bowl party is a solid selection of food and drink. One of our favorite additions to any party menu is a great crab dip, and the recipe we use comes from a staple of Maryland cuisine, Old Bay. We are far from chefs, but even we can put this one together.
We’ve been building and fine tuning our bowtie collection for years, but for those of you who are relatively recent bowtie converts, we can certainly understand how hard it is to determine which bow should be your next purchase, especially if you are building your wardrobe on a budget. There are plenty of ties out there that are budget friendly, but you would be hard pressed to find a better deal than a bow from The Tie Bar. Lately, we’ve been jonesing over their Totally Tartan bows ($15).
Though we would never throw on a pair of fatigues and try to pawn them off as a fashion statement, we do think that there is something to be said about a little bit of military inspiration working its way into a wardrobe from time to time. Now, we’re not suggesting going out and buying a replica uniform, but certain pieces can be easily adapted to a civilian wardrobe. One of the best is a peacoat. For an authentic Navy look, go with the Navigator ($265) by Sterlingwear of Boston.
When it comes to the world of fashion, we are far from insiders. In fact, the vast majority of the pieces we review on Bows & Boats are those we stumble upon on various shopping excursions. That said, occasionally we get a sneak peak at something prior to it hitting the shelves, and today’s review is all about one of those pieces. Slated to release on the fifteenth of this month, we think the Joseph ($259) from Walk-Over is going to be a big hit this summer.