Though last Friday marked the “official” celebration of Veterans Day, we are firm believers that those who have served, and those who are currently serving, deserve to be praised every day of the year. If you feel the same way, we have a feeling you are absolutely going to love today’s Bowtie Friday pick, the Corporal Spires Digital Camo Beau ($45) from Starboard Clothing Co.
Recently, we were introduced to Gulf Shore, an up and coming lifestyle brand from Florida. Needless to say, after a quick look at their website, we knew it was a company that we should know more about. After trading a few emails with their team, they sent a pair of shirts our way and we found ourselves the proud owners of their flagship product, the Snapper Polo ($59.50), and now we are happy to announce that Gulf Shore wants to send one to of our readers as well.
Some are far worse than others, but literally every girl we know is always on the hunt for that next great bag. You could probably say the same thing about us and bowties, so we can’t give y’all too hard of a time, but it still baffles us to see you “trying on” a bag to see how it looks. Anyway, because we know you are always on the prowl, we would be remiss if we didn’t tell you about a bag that has recently caught our eye, the Daytripper in True Brit ($33) by SCOUT.
It will never cease to amaze us how many people out there think that ties are only for special occasions. Apparently, in the minds of some, unless you are attending a wedding, funeral, or special event, they are just not needed. Needless to say, our stance on the subject is quite the opposite. In fact, the majority of our ties tend to have a bit more of a casual feel. A great example is the Jean Wash Check Slim Tie ($79.50) from Brooks Brothers.
As we are finally starting to actually enjoy the crisp Fall mornings, we have found ourselves going back to one type of layering piece again and again. Always a staple of the wardrobe, our v-neck sweaters are seeing some heavy use this season, and we are absolutely loving the look. Over a shirt and tie (or bowtie), or a more casual sport shirt, it is just a look that we are really liking right now. If you are in the same boat, you are going to love the Solid V-Neck Sweaters ($110) from our friends at Southern Tide.
No matter where your travels take you, it is always good to be prepared for the worst. We aren’t saying that you need to have a full blown first aid kit with you at all times, but making sure you have a couple of small essentials that could come in handy is never a bad idea. Recently, we were turned on to a company based in Florida called Survival Straps, their bracelets (prices vary) have quickly become one of those small essentials that we are rarely without.
We are fortunate enough to be able to wear bowties whenever we please. Partially because our jobs have a pretty flexible dress code, but, on a much higher level, because thousands of men and women have fought, and are fighting, to keep this country free. Though we will never have the honor to wear them, we thought it was only appropriate that our Veterans Day bowtie Friday pick be the various bowties associated with the dress uniforms of our military. While simple, these bows deserve far more praise than any other, and we send a heartfelt “thank you” to each and every one of you who have ever put one on.
Happy Veterans Day,
Ryan & Ben
In case you haven’t figured it out from looking at the new background, we are suckers for red, white, and blue. As proud Americans, we will always rep our colors, and as guys who do our best to dress well, the color combination always seems to work. Luckily for us, the team at Ledbury seems to agree. Their Red Townsend Tattersall Shirt is a fantastic example of just how good these colors look together.
When it comes to posts that are geared towards our female readers, the first people we turn when we need a little inspiration are our wives. Luckily for us, they are just as interested in this stuff as we are, and always have a ton of great suggestions. Today’s post is about a piece that can be seen quite frequently around their wrists, the Enamel Bamboo Bracelet ($18) by Fornash.
Finding the perfect vest is a task that gives us fits every year. Sometimes, we go for the piece that is sure to make a statement, but can only be worn occasionally, but more often than not we tend to stick with something that can be worn again and again without much effort. Recently, we came across a vest that fits each of these molds perfectly, the Reversible Vest ($98) by Castaway.