We pride ourselves on having a pretty well rounded polo collection. It has taken us years to get it where we want it, and it is always evolving, but, for the most part, we’re pretty happy with where things stand these days. If you can’t say the same, or are just looking to start completely over when it comes to polos, today is your last chance to pick up an entire new collection in one fell swoop thanks to Brooks Brothers and their Golden Fleece Box Set ($2000).
We love seeing companies evolve over time, especially those that are relatively new to the market. In our opinion, the most successful of these new up and comers tend to be the ones that simply tweak their existing ideas, as opposed to starting from scratch every time the market demands change. One such up and comer, Ledbury, has tweaked their Short Run program, and the current crop is fantastic.
This weekend was about as perfect as you could get here in Annapolis, and we enjoyed it for all it was worth. With boats in the water, and the dock bars in full swing, socks have been banished for the next few months, and boatshoes are out in full force. Though we will always fall back on a classic brown, there are times when a little (or a lot) of color is needed on our feet, and this year that is going to come in the form of some Spinnakers ($100) from Sebago.
We’ve gained a number of new readers lately, and in an effort to continue to spread the word on some of our favorite things, we will occasionally republish posts from our archives. This post originally ran on May 2, 2011, and nearly a year later we are just as impressed with the Jack Donnelly Dalton shorts as we were after the first couple of wears.
When it comes to weekends, we normally end up in shorts and polos. This past weekend was no different, except this time we got to check out a pair of shorts from an up and coming brand based outside of Atlanta, Jack Donnelly. We’ve been on the hunt for a solid pair of khaki shorts for quite some time and it seems like our search is finally over with their Dalton Short($72).
We’ve talked a lot about last Sunday being the official start of Seersucker season, and we have a feeling with temperatures slated to rise this weekend that we’ll be seeing even more blue and white stripes around Annapolis in the next couple of days. Though we are huge fans of this classic seersucker combination, we are always on the lookout for something a bit more interesting. We found just that while we were perusing the latest offerings from our friends at The Cordial Churchman. Their Four-Toned Seersucker Bow ($29) is right up our alley.
For us, one of the best things about running Bowties & Boatshoes is hearing from you, our readers. Whether it is a suggestion about something we should review, a comment about a previous post, or a question about a certain item, we love to hear what you have to say. Recently, we’ve gotten a couple emails from people looking for a boatshoe alternative as they will never set foot on deck. While we are firm believers that boatshoes have long been adopted and accepted by those who don’t spend time on the water, we aim to please. If you are looking for a boatshoe alternative to add to your shoe rotation, we think you’ll like the Whipstitch Camp Moc ($89) by L.L. Bean Signature.
Though it doesn’t happen too often, from time to time we’ve been known to sneak out at lunch for a quick trip to the driving range, or duck out of the office a few minutes early hoping to squeeze in a quick 9 (or 18 if we are really lucky) before the sun goes down. These trips are normally unplanned, so this time of year we try to work in a polo at least a couple of times a week, just in case the golf gods come calling. Finding a polo that can perform well on the course, yet still look good in the office, is tougher you might think, but the Knockout Stripe Polo ($98.50) by Peter Millar fits the bill flawlessly.
Down in Atlanta, there is a gentleman who runs a store that we have been hearing stories about for quite some time now. His eye for style is simply incredible, and from what we have seen, it seems as though we would happily wear just about everything his shop has in stock at any given time. That gentleman is Sid Mashburn, and whether you are looking for a custom suit, or just a new pair of Levi’s, his shop is the place to go. If you are like us and can’t swing by anytime you choose, their website has quite the selection as well. In fact, that is how we learned about Mr. Mashburn’s great looking Cotton Madras Ties ($85).
Yesterday, seersucker season officially opened, and it was definitely out in full force here in Annapolis. As much as we love a good seersucker, we have also become partial to corded cotton options over the years. The look is somewhat similar, but it seems that colors options are much more plentiful than our beloved seersucker. Recently, our friends at Southern Tide released a boatload of fantastic looking Corded Cotton Shorts ($79.50).
A few months back, wedding invitations started trickling in, and while we put each and every one on the calendar they all seemed pretty far off. Well, that far off got here real quick, and wedding season is about to be in full swing. Whether you are getting married yourself and looking for one final token of appreciation for your groomsmen, or you think you are going to need a little something extra to get you through a few receptions, we think you’ll like the flasks ($20-25) from our friends at Izola.